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zero gravity 【物理學】零重力;失重。

zero growth

Rf series spring balancer is an auxiliary tool mated with operating tool , it is manufactured by ourselves with international advanced technology , this kind of product relies on the energy stored by coil spring to keep operating tool suspended in the state of zero gravity , thus , it is helpful for greatly reducing the worker labor strength and improving labor production efficiency Rf系列彈簧平衡器是我公司采用國外先進工藝自行設計制造的一種與操作工具配套使用的輔助工具,該系列產品借助卷簧積蓄的能量,使所懸掛的操作工具處于無重狀態,大大降低了操作工人的勞動強度,提高了勞動生產效率。

The company produces the mixer , the filter , the silencer , the fire barrier , the respiration valve , the sampling instrument , regard the mirror , the star type leave the material valve , the spiral conveyer , the zero gravity granule mixer , the spiral strip type mixer , the neat padding , each kind of filter element , the filter pocket and so on , more than 10 big kinds , near 400 specification product 公司生產的混合器、過濾器、消聲器、阻火器、呼吸閥、采樣器、視鏡、星形出料閥、螺旋輸送機、無重力粒子混合機、螺條式混合機、規整填料、各類濾芯、濾袋等10多個大類,近400個規格產品。

He then ran through his gamut of childhood dreams , from experiencing zero gravity and playing professional american football to winning stuffed animals in the amusement park and working as a walt disney “ imaginer “ , and how he tried to achieve them 接著,蘭迪開始回憶自己童年時的一系列夢想,如參加美國職業橄欖球聯賽、在游樂場贏得填充玩具以及成為迪斯尼公司的一名動畫設計師,并講述他為實現這些夢想奮斗的過程。

To represent a feeling of transparency with zero gravity , the form , material and color of the building are carefully considered , this will show the impact on the mentality and physiology of person from the digital age 建筑在形象上傳達一種無重力的透明感,從形態的構成,材料的運用,色彩與燈光的組織,都圍繞著這一主題,以表現信息時代給人們心理和視覺上帶來的沖擊。

Scientists from the space - breeding centre of the chinese academy of agricultural science used the mission to carry out experiments aimed at discovering what happens to the germination and sprouting of plants when they are exposed to zero gravity 中國農業科學院太空育種中心的科學家們希望通過“實踐八號“所做的科學實驗探測失重對種子發芽產生的影響。

Scientists from the space - breeding centre of the chineseacademyof agricultural science used the mission to carry outexperimentsaimed at discovering what happens to the germination andsproutingof plants when they are exposed to zero gravity 中國農業科學院太空育種中心的科學家們希望通過實踐八號所做的科學實驗探測失重對種子發芽產生的影響。

The audience will experience for themselves life in zero gravity aboard the station . the astronauts share with us the tensions and triumphs of their challenge : hours of painstaking teamwork in the deadly vacuum of space 觀眾有如登上太空站的太空旅客,親身體驗在太空中的無重狀態,與太空人共同面對和克服太空任務的各項挑戰。

After being exposed to cosmic radiation and zero gravity , some seeds may mutate and produce higher yields and improved quality when planted back on earth , scientists said 科學家介紹,在宇宙輻射和失重環境下,有些種子可能會發生變異,這些變異種種植到地球上后,能培育出高產優質的新品種。

After being exposed to cosmic radiation and zero gravity , someseeds may mutate and produce higher yields and improvedqualitywhen planted back on earth , scientists said 科學家介紹,在宇宙輻射和失重環境下,有些種子可能會發生變異,這些變異種種植到地球上后,能培育出高產優質的新品種。

Tourists kiss as russian experts help them to feel the effects of zero gravity during a parabolic flight near star city outside moscow , august 30 , 2004 8月30日,在俄羅斯首都莫斯科郊外的“星城”宇航員訓練中心,游客們正在經歷一次特殊的旅行? ?模擬拋物線飛行中的失重體驗。

Famous physicist stephen hawking has made the first move towards his desire to go into space - being given the opportunity to experience zero gravity 4月26日,英國著名物理學家斯蒂芬?霍金完成了體驗太空之旅的夙愿。他在大西洋上空體驗了“零重力”飛行并安全返回。

Audiences will travel the space station , 350 kilo away from the earth , with the film and experience the life below zero gravity by themselves with the astronauts 影片將把你帶到離地球350公里遠的國際空間站里,與航天員們一起親身體驗零重力下的生活。

“ i asked if she ' d marry me , and then the ring just floated in front of her as we floated in zero gravity , “ he said . she said yes 當我們在無重力狀態下浮動時,我問她是否愿意嫁給我,戒指就剛好浮在她面前。他說。她說愿意。

Imaging that you are on a space mission and you have to sleep in zero gravity , help fix a satellite , and build a factory in orbit 在無重力的狀態下吃飯、睡覺;穿上太空衣在宇宙中漫步、修復人造衛星,一定是很有趣的經驗。

In 2002 , it announced plans to make “ space ram , “ a ramen noodle that homesick japanese astronauts can eat in zero gravity 2002年,該公司就宣布計劃生產“太空面” ,一種能夠讓想家的日本宇航員在失重狀態下可以吃的方便面。

In 2002 , it announced plans to make “ space ram , “ a ramen noodle that japanese astronauts can eat in zero gravity 2002年,該公司就宣布計劃生產“太空面” ,一種能夠讓想家的日本宇航員在失重狀態下可以吃的方便面。

Currently there ' s a problem with zero gravity simulation - simply select a very small gravity until this is fixed 現在有零重力的模擬問題-簡單地選擇一個很小的重力到固定為止。

It is like being in zero gravity 這象是處于零重力狀態。

Better selling than 53 more things to do in zero gravity , 比《失重下可以做的53種事》更暢銷